12 | Unique visitors (‚ip‘) today code: (*slimstat f=’count‘ w=’ip‘]strtotime equals today [/slimstat] |
Tests to show the number of human unique IPs from the beginning: | ||||
1) | 148388 | Total visitors with condition „does_not_equal“ (*1) code: (*slimstat f=’count-all‘ w=’ip‘ o=’0′]resolution is_not_empty &&&browser_type does_not_equal 2[/slimstat] |
2) | 148388 | Total visitors with condition „is_not_equal“ code: (*slimstat f=’count-all‘ w=’ip‘ o=’0′]resolution is_not_empty &&&browser_type is_not_equal 2[/slimstat] |
3) | 103485 | Total visitors with condition „is_not_equal_to“ code: (*slimstat f=’count-all‘ w=’ip‘ o=’0′]resolution is_not_empty &&&browser_type is_not_equal_to 2[/slimstat] |
4) | 191448 | Total visitors without any condition code: (*slimstat f=’count-all‘ w=’ip‘ o=’0′][/slimstat] |
*1 = proposed definition on page https://slimstat.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/5000631848-examples-of-frequently-used-shortcodes |
* ( instead of [ to make the expression not executable
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